Until it wasn’t anymore.
I found myself back in my hometown, a small farm village in Quebec.. Taking care of my mom, who was sick with cancer for two years before she passed away… And ten days later, the man I was in love with got murdered
Life as I knew it was over, and I had no idea what to do about it all
As I buried two people I loved the most, in the same year, at the age of 23, I also buried my dreams, success, time and the spark to “make it in the world” along with them.
It took me a while to realize that, even if I would not share another sunset with them again, it wouldn’t stop the sun from rising every morning. It didn’t stop the rain from pouring.
Even though I felt like the world had stopped somehow, nothing had stopped at all.
I was still breathing. The world was still going around.
And from that moment, I realized…
Fast forwarding to 2013...
I found myself living a double life-- model during the day, and a business expert at night.
Traveling over 40 different countries in a suitcase, I immersed myself into the world of personal development, sales, digital marketing and of course.. Food.
I found myself in boardrooms of the biggest companies in the world-- giving life advice to billionaires, brainstorming business development strategies with executives of Fortune 500 companies…
I found myself in the midst of a startup becoming one of the biggest (and the fastest growing) firms in the country-- as a new broker in one of the fastest growing investment firms in North America, then being offered an executive position.
But mostly? I found myself as a marketing copilot for small business owners. Restaurant owners, clothing stores, coaches, consultants, fitness trainers etc.. As well as building my own educational empire, and making the world know my name.
And being that copilot for small business owners made my heart rap faster than Busta Rhymes… Every single time.
(I know you expected me to say sing, but I’m a hip-hop fan!)
The thing is though....Â
I didn’t always have it figured out. I didn’t believe I knew it all. But I learned everything I could to a point where I could do better than them from every experience. And I realized…
Because I am an expert who wants to be teaching, I need to always be a student that makes bold moves, bold investments and decisions.
That’s the only way to get bold returns.
That’s how it has been as I was growing my “side hustle” businesses to multiple 6-7 figure marks in a span of a decade.
And it’ll continue to be as I scale my current companies from multiple 6 figures to multiple 7-8 figures in a personally record breaking time, while helping my client list do the same.
Today is my whole life. Today is everything I’ve got. Tomorrow still doesn’t exist, and might never will. So if today is all that I got, I am going to give it my everything.
I want to be a success story. And I want YOU to be too. #NoShame.
Even if all odds are stacked against you, even if your whole life falls apart in a blink of an eye..
Nothing is off limits for you.Â
You’re allowed to want it all, even if it doesn’t seem possible. And every reason you tell yourself “why” it cannot be you too, are only excuses that are slowing you down.
You can become a success story. Publish a book. Change millions of people’s lives. Have a thriving business. Be featured in magazines. Be loved for who you are.
So when you’re ready to take your success story as a CEO to the next level (and beyond)... I’ll be right here :)
To your success story,