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The e-learning industry turns over $355 million on a DAILY basis... And continues to grow.

From post secondary institutions starting to offer online courses, online degrees, and million dollar empires being born just from these course launches…

And being splattered with online ads that tell you to spend thousands of dollars in paid traffic every single day.

It’s a growing industry that everyone is trying to get a piece of pie from. You included.

But for you, it means so much more. 

It means more time to do creative things while impacting more people. 

It's the start of a next level in your business.

Except you have no idea where to start. So many details! 

(And to actually SELL the course... That just sounds TERRIFYING. What if it belly flops?!)

Workshops after workshops...

Roaming around Facebook or LinkedIn groups asking questions (only to be punched by “hey you, buy my $5000 program to find out how I did it” in the comments)... YouTube tutorial after tutorial.. Google search after Google search.. Guru after guru... 

Even though you have SOME ideas and a brilliant vision, the middle steps and selling it just seem daunting.

But you know that, once those are figured out...Your course would be out, sell like hot cakes, transform lives and allow you to scale your business faster.

Good News? You're not alone.

In my 10 years of growing, scaling businesses... Courses were the toughest to crack.

Sure, I was never short of ideas. But putting it together? Selling it? The frenzy mode was reaaaaaal. Heck, I found running physical businesses so much easier.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars and hours trying doing market research and studying experts "secrets". Programs, coaches, ebooks, webinars, cheat sheets etc..

And even though I learned a lot, I’ve noticed two things.

  1. They don’t tell you what REALLY matters… Sure, it’s inspiring to look at their journey. But what about implementing them? The action steps? The accountability? The solutions to road blocks coming up?

  2. The marketing strategies that they teach you in these programs work on the basis that you already have an audience of 50k+ that are ready to buy, and also on the fact that you can spend thousands of dollars a day on paid traffic. 

What about someone that’s starting to see traction, but don’t have a huge audience yet? 

What about those who don't have the budget to go big on paid ads?

If there’s anything I learned from my experience at growing and scaling start-ups.. It’s that when it matters, you need to continue learning and bootstrapping until you discover the "secret" roadmap. 

(Well, not so much of a secret, but more so "what nobody talks about") .

And it turns out? There's a different way. Many, in fact.

Using my roadmap, I was able to generate multiple 5 figures from selling my courses and workshops WITHOUT a cent of paid ads or a list of 50k+ subscribers. In fact, I had less than 500 subscribers on my email list when I started making big returns.

My clients? Some added almost 6 figures to their business with their course sales STRICTLY through organic marketing methods.  Some are doing multi-6 figures PER course on auto-pilot.

Now, you have 2 choices:

  1. Spend tens and thousands of hours (and dollars) DIY-ing it trying to find that blueprint... With no guarantee that you'll ever launch a course.

  2. You go to someone who already discovered the blueprint (like me) and swipe what they did. And you have a course up and running in 8 weeks.


If you're choosing option #1, then you can leave the page now (and thank you for reading!)

But if you're choosing option #2... I have something you'll love.


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An 8 Module Course Building Intensive For Passion Driven Experts That Are Ready to Massively Scale Their Impact And Authority

(Even if you don't have thousands in monthly ad budget, flopped a course launch before, or don't even have a course idea yet)


But honestly? it's SO much more than just a self-study intensive course. It's:  

  • An exclusive mentorship for passion driven experts and influencers that are ready to launch a profitable course WITHOUT having to spend tens and thousands of dollars in ad spend before seeing a single student signed up. You will learn multiple launch campaigns, both organic and paid.

  • A blueprint to follow so that you never get lost on where to start or how to implement. (And you can follow this blueprint over and over again every time you build a course - you have lifetime access)

  • Your mentor (that’s me!) that has already paved the way for you-- and will share every bit of what’s working, not working, and how to sell YOUR unique course idea…. In 8 weeks worth of trainings.


Everything in this self-study intensive is to help you do 2 things:

  • Moving QUICKLY so that you have your course built, and selling in 8 weeks or less

  • Make a huge impact to as many dream clients and students as you want, but without you having to spend thousands of hours in process

It's about cutting away the years of work, or going through program after program etc and not seeing any results.

You spent enough months struggling to launch (and maybe even had a launch flop faster than frogs do). So it’s time to get you up and running FAST.

And that looks like:

  • More clients / customers / subscribers / fans: You finally have something that you can bring to your audience as an offer… And impact their lives and your life too.

  • More time: You no longer need to spend tens of hours on a weekly basis on client work, or thousands of hours looking through “how to build and launch a course” as this intensive will tell you EXACTLY what to do.

  • Less heartache: No more spending thousands of hours spinning your wheels, only to not have anything launched or not having a single student. No more feeling not supported. You have an army of people (+ myself as your strategist) that are DYING to see you succeed.

  • More opportunities: Imagine being in a networking event and saying “I also created a bunch of courses around X, Y,Z”... Nothing proves “I know my shit” like a well structured course does. Talk about a credibility booster, right?


Denise M

I highly recommend Em to be the number 1 got to coach if you really want to have a clear overview of how you want your business to turn out for the Long Term. She is down to earth and she helped me with a simple but yet sustainable road map to succeed in my business. 

- Denise Marfo

When you join this self-study  intensive, you'll get….

- Direct access to 8 modules (Value $8000) where we discuss everything from coming up with a profitable idea, tech, launch plan and even to running your first paid ads.

All the essentials that you need to know to have your course up and selling in 8 weeks, you’ll get.

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- Guest experts in areas such as Facebook ads, growth mindset (Value $2000) so that you're set up for success in all areas related to the course launch 

Plus so much more (lifetime access to the trainings, your own membership portal, other bonuses to throw in etc)! 

I want YOUR results from this intensive participants to be so successful that your DM's are filled with endless messages of "how did you do THAT?!". So i'll be going all in. 

The question is... Are YOU?

Jen G

Em is the bomb!! She truly knows marketing and scaling and has helped me tremendously in the 1st month of working with her!

From the speediness of her responses to the quality of her guidance, I can’t say enough. I’ve worked with high level coaches and spent a pretty penny, and I’ll be honest, Em is bringing more to the table in a shorter period of time!!!!

So, thank you Em for what you bring and your eagerness to see me succeed!

- Jen Gagnon

What will you learn in this self-study intensive ?


The value of this course is at least $15 000 WITHOUT accounting for revenue potential. 

Your investment? A fraction of that.

Regular (Payment Plan)

6 monthly instalments of $97


  • 8 self-study training modules 
  • Workbooks
  • Recorded guest expert bonus trainings

Regular (Pay In Full)


*Save Money*

  • 8 self-study training modules 
  • Workbooks
  • Recorded guest expert bonus trainings
  • Save Money
Jen G

Working with Em has been even more amazing than I imagined. I have invested in thousands of coachers, mentors, seminars, workshops, and masterminds (to name a few) and Em and her containers are just different than others.

When I came across DTSO and Em specifically, it stood out to me because she really focuses on combining energetics with successful business practices to help you scale in a feminine and flowy way. She successfully created an empowering space for entrepreneurs to step into their greatness without being bombarded with things we think we need to do to be successful. I was attracted to the fact that she shows you that scaling can be easy, feminine, and she is able to curtail her methods in a way that works for everyone differently.

If you're thinking about working with Em, take my word for it. She is a one-of-a-kind person and coach and you will not regret working with her. I have completely transformed and I know this is just the beginning for me. I cannot get enough of her energy and her containers!

- Courtney Meadows

Jen G

Em is amazing! She helped me get crystal clear in my offer and figured out a clear roadmap for me to follow to meet and exceed my business goals. I would definitely recommend working with her for any business needs!

- Corley Alexandra

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I’m Em Ducharme, and if my name rings a bell..

You might have seen me featured in medias like Forbes, Today’s Show, and Entrepreneur or heard me on a podcast interview before. 

I’ve always had a passion for entrepreneurship, which is why I started my first company at 20 years old. After being successful in various fields and with multiple startups, I am now in the business of building entrepreneurs. I took everything I’ve learned in the past 10 years to help mission-driven business owners, like you, make the world a better place. 

There’s place for everyone at the top, and I want to teach you how to get there, with me… So we can share a margarita or a kombucha one day, and look back at our accomplishments with a heart filled with gratitude and satisfaction. 

Em Headshot

I'm going all in to make sure this is your most successful course launch yet. 

The question is... Are YOU in?

Jen G

I worked with Em near the start of my coaching career. I was a little lost and she played a pivotal role in helping me find my way. Her voxer access was amazing. 

Em helped me start taking action, finishing what I start, and building up my testimonials, ability to sell, authority and content strategy.

She changed my life. I will forever be grateful. Her vibe is contagious!

- Susanna Miles

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