business scaling expert Em Ducharme Shares one energetics for a successful launch

How to Energetically Prepare Yourself for a Successful Launch

business scaling energetics launching Jun 03, 2022

Nothing is ever going to fully prepare you for success, you just need to believe that you will get there and be ready for it. Some business scaling experts will give you a TO-DO list, tell you to do your best, and call it a day. But it's not that simple.

Things Most Business Scaling Experts Won't Tell you: Energetically Preparing for a Successful Launch

So, you worked hard on your business and put your heart into every offer you create-- now what?

You need to reach the people who need you. You need to make sure that YOUR audience and YOUR people (not just anyone) know that your offer exists. And how do you do this? You can do this through a launch. You need to create hype around your product before and during its launch. 


The Importance of Balancing Your Energy for a Launch

There are a lot of guides out there about preparing for a launch. But most of them focus on the masculine side of it all. What does that mean?

We all have feminine and masculine energy. We tend to lean towards one over the other depending on the situation. Being in your masculine means letting your mind work and focusing on a routine, a system, or a structure. Meanwhile, being in your feminine means listening to your heart and trusting your intuition-- it is about doing what feels right and aligned.

The thing with running a business is that society made us believe that it has to be done in our masculine. That's why most people think that the cold, almost-robotic, corporate method is the only way to go. But you could build stronger connections and a healthier environment for both you and your clients by adding a feminine touch.

Not a lot of business scaling experts would tell you about balancing your energies and giving your feminine a chance to shine. But that is going to change today.


Energetically Preparing Yourself for a Launch

Aside from generating brand awareness and working on the numbers, you also need to energetically prepare yourself for a launch.

Focusing on making sales instead of focusing on creating an amazing experience for your client could reflect energetically. This can overwhelm your potential client and push them away instead of attracting them.

Here is what you need to do to energetically prepare yourself for a successful launch:


Understand Who You Are

Creating your life-changing offer is only the beginning. But first, you need to understand who you are, and if your product aligns with you and the people you want to reach.

Don't create a product, course, or offer just because statistically, it will sell. The number is NOT everything! People WILL know if you are not passionate about the product you are selling. How can you make a sale when you can't even convince yourself that you like your offer?

Your passion will help you reach a higher level, it will help you build your credibility, and it will help you attract your dream clients-- only if you do what feels aligned and what feels right to you. 


Make Your Message Clear

Model what you preach. People will feel more compelled to join your programs, get into your memberships, or buy your offers if they can see what they are signing up for.

Not everyone deserves a seat at your table and not everyone deserves to be in your universe. You want to make your message clear so that you can attract people who are aligned with you.


Act Like a Successful Person

As mentioned before, you can never fully prepare for success. You just need to be ready for it. Set your goals and act like a person who has already attained them.

You need to have the confidence of a person who already had a successful launch. This type of mindset will also help you get into that creative zone where you can just ask yourself "how would a successful person do this launch?"


Prepare For Sudden Changes

Things don't always go according to plan, and you need to be ready for any sudden changes along the way.

Know that your feelings are valid but being upset, frustrated, or angry will not fix things. Do you know what will? Adapting and showing up. Not only will this show your clients that you are reliable no matter what, but it will also help you improve your view of yourself.

Once you know that you can follow through, that you can commit and show up even when it's difficult-- then you will gain more confidence in yourself. You can trust yourself to pull through.


At the End of the Day...

Preparing energetically for a launch does not mean completely shutting your masculine energy off, but understanding when to let your feminine energy do its thing.

You need to remember that your product, courses, or offers are not just for your clients-- it is for you too. You can do your clients great service by creating a program that you truly want to run because this way, they will be getting the best and the most from you. 

There is an obvious difference when you just want to cross something off your to-do list compared to being genuinely happy about what you are doing.

When people come into your universe, you want to make sure that they have a good time that they want to come back or stay.


You don't have to be alone on your journey to success. Everyone needs some support at some point in their lives. Be a part of the Zero to CEO community! It is more than just a mentorship, it will help shape you into more than just an entrepreneur-- be the digital CEO that you know that you are. 

You will learn about the pillars behind every successful business through self-study trainings while also enjoying monthly business and energetic calls with Em, monthly expert CEO coaching calls, monthly guest expert calls, and a private Facebook group where you can build connections.

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